Sunday marked my first race of 2008. I decided to go at 8am when i woke up, and had to renew my license ($90) and get to the shop by 10:15. I always end up getting lost on the way there! Agitating some of the racers (maybe more sleep guys?) we rolled out. The race starts at some predetermined point after a 4-5 mile ride to the "start line"
It was good to see some faces and talk to people i haven't seen all winter. Regrettably, i forgot some people's names i should know! Sorry guys.... The race was as flat as a pancake, and two riders had a 20 second break for most of the race. Nothing threatening. I had some good pulls, and tried a break, but i was reeled in. John Roden gave me some advice that i will put into action regarding breaks in the future. I didn't think the race was hard at all, but the power meter said otherwise. I broke all my previous records by a lot. My ftp went up by 20 more watts and my 5 minute went up 40 watts. It is gratifying seeing these things, but i definitely feel way stronger than i did last year at this time, and i haven't really started hard training yet.
In other news, I am in the middle of liquidating all of my less important assetts, in order to get my new bike for this year, which is coming in around the 21st, and faxing my pro deal form in to Fox by the 15th, so i can get my fork. Then building some wheels up, and maybe a riser bar is in order.
Pedal update: Took the Candy pedals mountain biking for the first time today. It was snowy and of course they worked fine, but i have yet to see the advantage of the platform when it comes to finding the pedal, if nothing else, i do think it helps the pedal feel more stable under power. there will be an informal test when i get my rebuild kit later this week.
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