Friday, November 9, 2007

Adventures in Running

Today was my first really physical exertion in 5 days or so. I decided to work on trail running, and tried it out today at chestnut ridge. It was fun, different than the bike, i went slow and my ankle hurt (no doubt from poor arch support) but i dove right in. After a whopping 25 minutes of running i was ready to end my excursion. The running had took its toll on me. i hit heart rates past my LT on the bike and i could barely push my clutch in at first. I will have to go out again in a few days...!

Some pictures....Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Fall is ok, what do these shoes do?
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Leaves and trailssss
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Andrew Brautigam said...

my wife ran a marathon today and drove part of the way home! you lack focus.

Chris said...

well, my bumper sticker says 3.1.

Andrew Brautigam said...

doood mine says your link to doug's website is broken.