Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Over the past week, which was a low hour week, i started thinking about how i got started in this sport, and my long term goals. Without writing my biography....

I never played sports in school. I played soccer when i was younger, but didn't really like it. At 13, i bought a bike from paper route money saved up for about 6 months. A GT Idrive 2.0. Yeah it was hot for the day. Started racing in the summer of 2001, and gained momentum from there.

Allegheny State Park circa spring 2001.

Gow school MTB race. They held this race in the fall on a nice little loop they have, and i always managed not to win, until the final year they had it. I had some nasty cold during this one, and came in second.

2003 was the year i started to race expert. I had never won overall in the sport class, but i wanted to ride further and get more for my money!

Team Park tool.

Tamarack was a popular race back in the day, the course offered little to no rest, and had plenty of everything. This particular race was in the fall, and local legend Pat Wallace kept the pace for me. It was 5 muddy laps that day, but he kept the speed down for me, and we finished 1,2 with 20 minutes on the next rider. it was soooo muddy, up that climb my back tire was spinning sitting down. My best result ever at that point, i was stoked.

Lake to Lake in June of that year was crazy for me. i had never been to a race with so many (1000) people. This is the race where i was recruited to park tool afterwards, as i placed 38th, above and beyond my expectations (still a sport class rider) and OK for a 15 year old.
Napoleon Dynamite-like pose before lake to lake 2003. They must have had high hopes for me with that number.

After a muddy-as-hell race.

Looking back at this all is nice, and it even cooler to know i like it now more than ever. My short term goal is really just to upgrade to pro class. Short term goals should be reasonable, and i think that is a reasonable goal. Long term goals can afford to be a bit more aggressive, and my long term goals include cracking the top 10 consistently at national races, getting a spot on a decent team, and racing the world cup circuit. By the end of my career, i would like to try UCI road racing, and place top 5 at a national style event.

There. I have laid it out. no excuses or cop outs now!

Good times ;)

1 comment:

Jakejensen said...

So this is the Chris I know... well knew. hahaha How have you been buddy? Long time no see. So I was spell checking your name on google to see if you were on Facebook and this website came up and here you are. At first I didn't believe it then I was like what are the odds. And it was really you.... Of course I wasen't sure until I saw these pics, then I knew it was you.