Training has been an all consuming task, stuck in between everything else. I haven't had problems with recovery, but i don't think i am doing quite enough, or going hard enough. That will start to happen in the next two weeks.
A new road bike will arrive (haven't decided what to get yet, probably something cheap for now) and i will order a powertap as well, I've gone without power for long enough.
Jeremiah is helping me train, and we've discovered quite a few faults, which is more god than it is bad. I now know what i need to do.
Weak core, more power work, stretching, dial in the training more, and lose the weight. I thought i was around 8% fat, but this isn't true. I am around 13% which leaves me with about 6-7% to lose this off season, or 10 pounds.
It's going to be hard to get the last 4 gone, I've never done it before, but a quick look at the power profile chart is plenty of motivation. 10lbs at my power is about 23 free watts. If i have the same lt power as last year at that weight i will go very, very fast.
Still working on the MTB and the race schedule, well, i actually haven't started that yet, but it will probably be built around the WV series with some nationals and other races thrown in there.
No pictures, but it is mostly brown out anyway.
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